Prenatal Yoga
Please get in touch if interested
Pregnancy is a special time to connect, trust and explore your body. Yoga is invaluable throughout pregnancy. Woman are encouraged to connect to their intuition and instinct as their first and foremost guide for a safe practice. This will help them connect with their initiate birthing wisdom. The classes are a balance of active and meditative practices. Woman are welcome to leave a pose out and rest whenever they need to. This is not like the usual yoga you might have experienced before as your body is changing and we explore how to flow with the changes.
Enjoy your practice during this special time! The overall approach to asana is to emphasise strength and stability, postural alignment, embodiment, alongside flowing circling movement connected to the breath.
Please bring your own yoga mat and props like blankets, bolster or cushions and blocks if you have them. Let me know if you don’t have any yoga gear and I can provide some.
Yogic Treat
Spring invites us to open back up, delight in warmer days, and cultivate a spirit of aliveness. Perfect time to recharge and rejuvenate your spirit with a special yogic treat.
Honouring the seasonal change with this special event is an invitation to check in, to re-evaluate, to refine, to recalibrate and to keep on rising and transforming as we embrace this change.
I warmly invite you to receive and experience: Ceremonial Cacao, Gentle liberating movement, relaxing Yin yoga, Breath work and a soothing live sound meditation with a special guest musician Winnie Browne. Topped off with delicious, healthy treats.
Ceremonial Cacao
Ceremonial cacao is 100% pure cacao-bean paste that contains a much higher quantity of beneficial, health-restoring, and mood-elevating compounds than any other cacao-based product. The properties of cacao are physically, mentally and spiritually powerful. Raw Cacao, like most plants are full of flavonoids (plant chemicals) which are natural antioxidants, which protect the body's cells from disease. Cacao is also rich in magnesium which increases your energy levels, elevates your mood and general wellbeing. Cacao can generate a heart-warming or “heart-opening” sensation that brings out the uniquely expansive, peaceful, open, and elevated physical and mental states that cacao ceremonies revolve around.
Movement & Yin Yoga
Movement is medicine. Through gentle dynamic and playful movement we will loosen up the body and mind to free ourselves from any tension, so energy can flow freely.
Yin Yoga recharges the energetic system of the body and draws the mind inward for a relaxed and meditative state. We will be exploring deep stretches and restorative poses to support the process to reflect, detox, recalibrate, relax and reset the nervous system and tap into a state of emotional equilibrium.
Sound Meditation
The Sound Meditation is a type of meditation that uses sound to help calm one’s body and mind and promote a sense of overall well-being. It uses focused awareness on the vibrations of sound to help people relax and meditate to promote self-inquiry and journey inwards through a soundscape of high vibrational sound bowls, Koshi Chimes, Guitar & voice & Medicine drum.
Where: At the Newlands Arm Community Hall
When: 10/11/24 from 2 - 4.30 pm
Costs: $60
One on One classes or group bookings
Receive one-to-one instruction attuned to your individual needs and health goals. By closely working together we create your personalized health concept to improve your wellbeing. Our goal is to build-up strength, balance and flexibility, to improve body-awareness and therefore increase your wellbeing. I create a customized health program for one on one or group sessions.
Book a Class
You can book a class by getting in touch with me through email
or Phone: 0487416058